sexta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2011


I'm in doubt
I do not know what to do
Just look at the moon
Or let the sun rise
I do not know why
I do not like cold
But when I saw the moon
My dumb opened
I'm not coming to the sun
Especially in the summer
But when the moon left me
I had no OPSA
A while later
The moon came back to me
But it was too late
The sun did not want to leave
A while later
The barely
To protect myself
The sun and the moon
And then came the eclipse
But it is not because of it
That war ended
Later I decided to ma
Who I'd get
With the sun or alua
Or if you do not kill me
I liked the sun
But I preferred the moon
The reason why
Nor can I tell you

(Scaleth Cristine)

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